The Legacy Team...
It was toward the end of Wilson's life that Max's heart and soul were propelled to bear witness of his love and admiration for his famous big brother, now known as "The Wicked Wilson Pickett".
Acknowledging our own inadequacies & inexperience we both realized that the effort to promote Wilson's legacy would be a journey by faith on a road untraveled with no promises of success and great possibilities of disasters.
The thought of getting under the huge talent of this famous internationally known, celebrity was staggering. There are no maps to follow, no GPS resolutions, no road warnings of "Dead End Ahead" and you're never sure which way to go.
But as faith would have it, we would encounter extraordinary people on the road in our journey. As we'd meet and eat at restaurants, our kitchen table, or conference on the phones throughout the days, nights, weekends, texting & emailing...Max & I began to recognize that we were traveling among giants from different walks in life. And they too are on their own individual journeys. We'd been greatly blessed to be accompanied by smart, talented, honest, self-motivated, caring, everyday people who are making life happen day by day. See our tab, "The Journey of A Legacy" for some of the things accomplished thus far... and we're just getting started!
As we've journeyed we have practically become family. We are so thankful for these we call our "Legacy Team".... though they are not really ours, they really are "giants".
Brenda Pickett - Executive Assistant
Kenneth Green - Creative Consultant
Kenique Freeman - Executive Project Manager
Gwen Johnson - Project Manager
Michael Jenkins - Graphics and Content